Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Venison Express Part 2

Last evening my Frau hosted one of her book clubs.

Yesterday morning she asked if I wouldn't mind preparing dinner for a couple of her friends beforehand.

To which I replied - Sure. Just tell me what you'd like and I'll whip it together.

Yeah. I know. Your thinking - You'd drop whatever important stuff you're doing and prepare some dinner for your wife's girl friends just like that. At the drop of a hat?

You bet.

First - this is the stuff of which terrific marriages are made.

Secondly - when they heard that old Swamp was cooking they were all over that. And asking what kind of wine they could bring.

The trouble (as I found out) was that my pal - The First Mate - was bummed that he didn't get an invite. His Frau did and he didn't.

His spouse got a big kick out of his feigned feelings of rejection. And I felt a tad remorseful. After-all I should have politely extended an invitation to him too. I wasn't thinking.

When book club wrapped-up for the evening I rummaged through my freezer and sent home with his wife a tube of venison burger, a hunk of loin and some steaks.

Plenty of hurt feelings can be assuaged with gifts of wild game.

I'd be willing to bet that the next time The First Mate fires-up his Weber he and I will be back on good terms.

That's just as well. We're going fishing before too long. And If I have to listen to him grouse about this in a boat for a bunch of days I'd probably toss him overboard.


  1. Nice story.
    The only reason I was allowed to be in a book club was because of the promise that my hubby would be the cook each time I hosted the club.
    Trust me, it was better for everyone involved, including the husbands of the book club ladies, especially after our aphrodisiac-themed meal one time!

  2. Very interesting.

    Tell us - was this simply an aphrodisiac-themed meal or an aphrodisiac-infused meal?

  3. Oh, you want details? Yes, I meant infused, really.
    He started by serving humongous strawberries with champagne, pine nut soup for an appetizer, a ginger-laden stirfry along with asparagus spears, then topped it all off with almond cookies (the only thing I made-I'm the baker of the house) with coffee and chocolate for dessert.
    We had all been reading tacky romance novels, and sometimes we tend to serve foods associated with what we've read. There probably were a few other aphrodisiacal foods in there somewhere that I can no longer remember now. Old age.

  4. No mention of rhinoceros horn. So any resulting positive developments can be chalked-up to good cooking and tacky novels...

  5. What did you feed the book club girls?

  6. Hmmm.

    I see where this discussion is going and we here at the Platz have a policy to not discuss our libidos.
