Monday, October 23, 2023

Pup Update

The staff here at The Platz has been away for a couple of weeks - namely to celebrate a Fiftieth High School reunion a couple of weekends ago and do some traveling with my pal, The First Mate and his missus.  Charleston, Beaufort, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia.  I'll post some pictures and tales if I get around to it before too long.  Busy, busy, busy.

You're probably wondering if we took the pupper along with us for all of the festivities and travel?  Nope.  Ruby is still too young to be boarded at a kennel or travel a great distance.  So, she stayed with her birth family, a bunch of other dogs, toddlers and assorted small children, adults and a couple of different households.  It was terrific socialization, yet we know she's happy to be reunited with us and quickly settled into our familiar routine.  

I am tickled to report that even having been away for a couple of weeks on our first walk she remembered precisely where the most recent deer carcass was so she could go and fetch a bone to gnaw-on.

She has grown and now weighs-in at 21 pounds.  She's skinny as a rail even though we feed her incessantly.  We just cannot keep-up with this puppy growth spurt.  We'll ask the doc at tomorrow's veterinary appointment how much chow is too much chow. 

She starts puppy class on this evening at a Green Bay kennel for more command discipline and socialization with other dogs.

I should also add that these started showing-up on the trail cameras while we were away.

It is clear that the Door County Fish Farm and Game Club has released captive-raised birds for their members and predictably any number of them found there way over here for me to hunt and I'm not even a member.  They should build walls or something, eh?  But I digress.

Beginning Sunday the daily walks now include a shell vest and a Browning 12 gauge semi-auto along with a pocket full of shells and dog treats.  I've had a gun over Ruby a couple of times.   Gunfire doesn't scare her and she is demonstrating some natural aptitude for flushing and retrieving.  We just haven't had an opportunity to put two and two together completely.  So, slow and steady.

Stay-tuned for a progress report.



And by the way, after we get up around 6 AM to pee there is breakfast and a snooze together on the couch until Jill rouses.

It's a pretty good routine. 

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