Thursday, June 10, 2010


Paying attention to the fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico?

My daughter and son-in-law and his extended family live there. I've spent time at their fish camp in Grand Isle, LA.

First Katrina.

Then the Great Recession.

BP's oil spill may just finish them-off.

There is no more fishing.

There is no more crabbing.

There is no more oystering.

There is no more shrimping.

Everyone living down there is mad as hell.

Here's an email the kids sent me the other day -

I thought you may find this interesting. The BP claims office in Mobile was just moved to a strip mall literally around the corner from our place. They constructed a huge metal fence around it and the police are out there at all times. Apparently they were receiving bomb threats.

Read more about it here.


  1. This is such a tragedy...and a preventable one, I guess. I love how the head loser of BP "just wants his life back!" How dare he be so selfish. How about all the families and wildlife whose lives will never be the same again!

  2. I'm not one to make predictions.

    However, BP's stock continues to be punished. A possible scenario is that it may fall so low as to make the company an attractive takeover candidate.

    If that were to happen another scenario is to wall-off the spill liabilities through a bankruptcy.

    That would leave the states and all the people holding the bag.

    Which ultimately means we'll pay for their BS in the end.

    If you talk to anyone from down there the anger is positively palpable.

    Impotent rage is what they call it.

    Just call me Mr. Sunshine.
