Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Walking on Water

Place: Indian Point. Catfish Lake. Eagle River Chain.

Observed: A very odd phenomenon. A pair of loons chasing each other across the water.

Yes - they were literally running across the water - one ahead of the other.

They gave the boat a wide detour - circled back and did it all over again. Then ran across the lake from sight.

With only a little bit of digging I found out that this performance is done by loons to chase other birds away. It splashes the water with its wings and kicks its feet so quickly that it is actually walking on the water.

Learn more about it here.


  1. How cool! Neat that you got to see that.

  2. It was a good thing the loons made the circuit twice. I didn't have the camera out the first time.

    If only I had thought to use the video...

  3. I've been hanging out quite a bit at the Horicon Marsh, since it's so close, and the American Coots run atop the water, as well...very fun to watch, especially their little ones who are doing it, too.
