Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mangy Deer

These have got to be just about the mangiest deer I've ever seen.

Lots of rain lately.

They might have slept in their clothes...


  1. In the early 1990s I was doing some army stuff in northern MN. It was Spring right after a especially hard winter--the guard did helo hay drops. I was in the woods and saw a pair of really mangy deer who could barely walk trying their hardest to move along. A few minutes later an exceptionally healthy timberwolf trotted along heading the same direction. Later on, I heard from the DNR that they found dead deer yarded up by the hundreds.

  2. A species’ biological carrying capacity is limited by factors such as food, water, cover and predators. Once the population of a species grows beyond that capacity then the habitat begins to degrade. Hard winters can impact wildlife populations as well.

    The northern hardwood forest region cannot support deer populations of the size that the farmland of Wisconsin can sustain.

    I still think the resident deer population is too high.
