Thursday, April 27, 2017

Big Policy

Headline:  Trump Rolls-Out Huge Tax Plan.

Looking to throw something on the wall that might stick as the artificial 100 day deadline arrives the Whitehouse released President Trump’s big tax plan.

The 15 percent corporate rate - we already knew.   

Getting rid of the state and local tax deduction hasn’t a hope of passing. 

As for the details concerning how they could cover the cost of the giant corporate rate cut?  Missing in action.

What about  the tax rate for repatriated earnings?  Nothing.  

Application of the new individual rates?  Dunno.

When will the details be released?  Anybody's guess.

Impact on the President’s personal finances?  None of your business.  

Steel yourself for the bigness of this as you can read the entire plan here.


  1. Millions of jobs? Why not billions?

    The maddening part of all this is that anyone that knows anything about basic economics would think that betting your fiscal health on future income is a good idea. You'd think as such a successful business man, he would know this. Maybe he doesn't know that the U.S. can't file for chapter 10?

    The CBO report will detail the recklessness of this plan, but who cares right? We beat Clinton wooo hoo!


    At what point are the Trump folks going to realize they have been swindled?

  3. The Base is made up of true believers.

    Crafty predator the Con Man from Queens is.
