Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tweet of the Absurd

Today President Trump lashed out at the husband of senior adviser Kellyanne Conway calling her husband - vocal critic George Conway - a 'total loser.'  (Only yesterday Conway urged voters to think about Trump's mental condition ahead of the 2020 election.)  

The president’s denigration of Mr. Conway followed a ginormous tweetstorm this past weekend in which he issued 50 tweets—averaging more than one per hour—on an outsized range of subjects, including attacking the ghost of John McCain, General Motors, Low IQ Joe Biden, Saturday Night Live, Paul Ryan, Fox News’ suspension of Jeanine Pirro and much, much more.  

I reviewed a number of the president’s tweets over the weekend and have concluded that this is now beyond mere entertainment and microwave popcorn.  I am beginning to actually feel sorry for him.  He sounds isolated and friendless.  All he has are his grievances.  He cannot muster the courage to grasp anything else happening in the world. 

Fifty people are murdered in New Zealand and he posts this:  'I offer my warmest sympathy and best wishes to the people of New Zealand.'  Best wishes?  What sort of self-absorbed individual says that after such a horrible tragedy?  There are massive floods in our nation’s heartland and Venezuelans dying of starvation and all the leader of the free world can talk about are his own petty grievances.  He lives in a small sad world battling the worst of his inner demons.   Poor man.  

By any clear-eyed measure Donald Trump is not functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment.  This man has no impulse control, no filter and cannot rise above any challenge or criticism, no matter how meaningless and insignificant.  Healthy adults do not act in this fashion and George Conway likely feels as sorry for him as I do.

It is really all so pathetic.  Please pass the popcorn...

1 comment:

  1. If only there was some mechanism for removing him from office....
