Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Freedom of Conscience

Donald Trump was not acquitted by the senate – he was acquitted by his party.  You have to wonder if senators had been allowed to vote by means of a  secret ballot - vote their conscience - would the result have been different?


  1. If your correct, then he was impeached by your party.

    Be sure to post that, as well.

    1. I'm not sure I understand the comment as I haven't had a party affiliation for as long as I've been a voter.

      I've voted for candidates from both parties at the national level and where it really matters (local government) party affiliation has little meaning.

      My dislike for Trump comes easy. He's a grifter, liar, con man, and skirt-chasing draft-dodger. I haven't liked him since I first became aware of him more than thirty years ago.

      His attraction to his very loyal base is they have long waited for a pugilistic personality like Trump to take the fight to what they view as the elitist left.

      Trump's overriding desire to do so is what endears him to his supporters. As long as Trump keeps swinging in the culture war they'll keep supporting him regardless of the boundaries or social mores he may violate.

      Trump Fatigue is a worse sentence than Clinton Fatigue.

      I'd be OK with a Pence administration.
