Sunday, July 19, 2020

Never Trumper

Most of my readers already know this but it bears repeating.  

I don't care much for Donald Trump.  

This is not a recent phenomenon.  When I first became aware of Donald Trump some three decades or so ago my impression was:  This guy has an unsavory personality built-upon a collection of negative qualities including carnival barker, con-man, sloppy businessman, liar, braggart, skirt-chasing, spouse-cheating and a purveyor of television productions that were not worthy of my time.  I didn't know it back then but I was a 'Never Trumper' before the term was coined and became fashionable.  Who knew? 

My low opinion of the man has roots that grow deep. 

As a consequence, in November of 2016, I did not vote for the Republican candidate for president.  I voted for the Libertarian candidate.  This coming November I plan to vote for the Democratic candidate.  Between you and me if the candidate on the Democratic presidential ticket was a can of baked beans I would vote for the canned beans.  For sure things may change in the next three months or so but that's my current frame of reference.  

If you are a mainstream Republican, a Libertarian, an independent or a moderate free-thinking sort of voter you may consider doing the same.  And as a friendly reminder it's not to late to join the movement of Republicans dedicated to putting an end to America's four-year-long national nightmare.  It is called the Lincoln Project.  

The Lincoln Project is an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by several prominent conservative Republicans and former Republicans. It is the goal of the committee to wield the voting power of real Republicans and conservatives to prevent the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election and rid the GOP of the stain of Trumpism.

Their advertising rocks.  

You can learn more here.

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