Thursday, September 26, 2024

2024 Recruits

For the longest time I fretted-over the fact that I hadn't seen any turkey poults (young); either in person or on the trail cameras.  The wet, wet spring weather is good for suppressing infestations of spongy (gypsy) moth caterpillars but generally not so good for ground-nesting birds.  Then, all of a sudden, the turkeys materialized.  Hens and their newly-hatched young'uns.

Many of the poults were smaller - implying they were hatchlings from a second laying - and going into the fall their are certainly more grouse-sized poults than what would ordinarily be observed.

Better smaller than none at all.  Nature works that way occasionally.  Come to think of it I'm seeing some awfully small fawns too.

From the trail camera trap line are these photos and videos....

Small birds

A solitary poult

Some larger birds

And a smallish fawn

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