Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Next Morning

Sometimes you have to toss a pie in the Forno at the end of the day.

Thursday evening I fed my sourdough starters and figured I'd use some of the discard to make pizza dough for the holiday weekend.

Last night I made a couple of pizzas.  CSMOs to be exact. For the uninitiated that acronym stands for: cheese, sausage, mushroom and onion.  In the pizza world that is commonly known as The Milwaukee Special.  We ate one and par-baked the second - freezing it for a quick meal down the road.

Pro Tip - Not wanting to waste any BTUs, upon rising this morning the oven had cooled to 375F.  So I baked Door County cherry scones.  

Of course, you can bake bread, cinnamon rolls or cookies too.  Forno be like a big ole battery retaining heat for hours.....

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