Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blowing the Coat

I had to FURminate the blonde Lab a couple of days ago because she was going thru a molt and leaving clumps of fur here and there and all over the house.  

Why I never did this before I can't say but I thought I would hop onto the information superhighway and study-up on the grooming of Labrador retrievers.  Here is what I learned (or already knew).

Labs come factory equipped with a double coat making them basically water resistant.  A soft undercoat is weather-resistant and acts as an insulating layer that protects the pooch from extreme cold, from getting wet, or from any type of terrain, burs and stickers.  The straight outer coat is coarse and reinforces the hair coat’s waterproof qualities and unlike other breeds also repels burs and stickers.  The soft undercoat also allows the dog’s natural oils to repel moisture.

I've often compared the coat on our black Lab to that of a seal - sleek and resistant.  The blond Lab has always been fuzzier, fluffier and fleecy - prone to more frequent grooming.  Both dogs get a regular brushing and baths mostly as a consequence of stuff they roll on in the woods.  Because they are in and out of the water and have floppy ears we try to remember regular ear cleanings.

Although Labs don’t shed as much as a German Shepherd or other breeds they shed their hair coat twice a year.  The molt has a special moniker - it is called "blowing the coat."

I learned something new.  Learn more about Labrador retriever fur here.

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