Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tiny Time Capsule

My pal Sid and his wife recently downsized and as a consequence gave me several boxes of canning jars and a couple of enamel canning pots.  Some of the jars were wrapped in newspaper.  Unpacking anything wrapped in newspaper that has been in storage for a long time is a bit like digging-up a time capsule or buried treasure.  You generally find something that no longer fits with the current condition of daily living.

In this case the newsprint was from the September, 1991 edition of Episcopal Life.  Check this out...

click on image to enlarge

Aside from the fact that IBM and Apple II computers are now landfill two additional things are missing.  The first is a toll free number. 

What is the second missing item?


  1. Website. Apparently used to be No longer registered. Was run by a husband and wife team. John passed in 2013.

    Amazing thing, that google.

  2. WOW!

    I'm impressed. PI or too much time on your hands?

    I'll look for more old stuff to post in the months to come...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
