Monday, May 23, 2016


Reid Ribble has capably represented Wisconsin's Eighth Congressional District in Wisconsin.  Elected in 2010 he announced earlier this year that he would not run for office again.  

The Frau and I both have grown fond of our Congressman as he's been reliably responsive to questions or concerns that we've brought to his attention.  He is also a principled sort of guy - a rare quality in modern politics and politicians.

Speaking of which - like me - he has made no bones about his distaste for Donald Trump.  Ribble has said that Trump behaves like a "sixth-grader" and "appeals to the worst parts of who we are as people."

I'd agree.

"I like people who don't get captured."

This is the remark Donald Trump, a very successful draft dodger, tossed off in a casual and contemptuous fashion about John McCain, who endured a horrific and long-lasting captivity at the hands of the North Vietnamese after being shot down near Hanoi during the Vietnam War.

Remember that quote when you hear about all the GOP politicians who are deciding they really need to get aboard the Trump Train. To them, party, not principle, is important.

Cheers to Reid Ribble.  Unlike Reince Priebus - a guy with some spine.

To my outgoing Congressman I say - Bon Chance!

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