Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Begging the Question

Maybe you voted for Trump because you wanted anybody but Hillary.  Maybe you stayed home because Hillary's not going to do anything for you anyway.   Perhaps you abstained because Democrats and Republicans are all the same.  Possibly you cast a vote for Stein or Johnson.  It could be that you wrote in Mickey Mouse for President.  Maybe you left the box blank out of principle.   

This is what the American people voted for.  This is what Trump and every member of his party kept saying they were going to do.  Actions (and inaction) have consequences.  Elections have consequences.

No one should be surprised.


  1. Well, it is a disturbing hoot to watch. Poor Reince Preibus. I suppose you can't really survive in Trumpland if you are weak and feckless.

  2. The Whitehouse has devolved into a vulgar, vile and bunker mentality. Fear and loathing come to mind? After last evening’s debacle I can only guess at the spleen which will be vented-upon Senators Collins, Murkowski and McCain.

    I can only imagine the difference if Kasich or Bush were the occupant.
