Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cue the Drama

There are some days I think I should just shut down and abandon the old Face Book page.  Too much fake news, anger and drama.  Force-fed too.  It is unlike here where attendance is strictly voluntary.  Sure, I use this platform to give voice to my opinions from time-to-time.  But if you don't care for my point of view - don't visit.  It is a simple solution.  

In any event, Face Book is voluntary as well and I have concluded that the benefits of keeping in-touch with relatives, neighbors, real friends, old childhood and high school or college friends and former business acquaintances outweighs the negative stuff.  I can skip and ignore the feigned outrage as needed.  And block those who drinketh the Kool Aid..

Nevertheless, there is this gem.  I share it as an example of what I am referring-to.  

From time to time I have challenged some individuals who claim that there is widespread and rampant fraud in Wisconsin's vote by mail program.  I challenge them to furnish evidence.  In this instance I likely pushed a wee bit too hard and accept blame for same.  Nevertheless, no evidence was forthcoming.  Instead there was this.....

Look at your profile picture. That mask is more about Trump hatred than anything

What the heck.  I never even introduced Donald Trump to the discussion.
Common sense would suggest that is a proud Wisconsin Badger mask.  I see nothing there that inspires either love nor derision of President Trump.  Get a grip for gosh sakes.

What I do know is in any given week I might don one of my masks for a cumulative total of 60 minutes - give or take.  I do this because I care about others when I cannot practice safe social distancing.  I have no clue if those people in close proximity have elderly parents in their home or a child with an auto-immune disorder.  I may have Covid and be asymptomatic.  Same for them.  Who am I to not take precautions and protect my neighbors and countrymen during a pandemic?  The contagion is yet to be extinguished.   Sure, I know that a mask is not 100% effective - but my doc suggests it is a good idea and I consider it my small contribution to the common goal of slowing the spread of disease and getting this country back on its economic feet.  It really is that simple - slow the spread of disease and get this country back on its economic feet.  

Around here businesses (properly) determine whether or not masks are required. They're optional otherwise.

And in case you haven't already gotten your calculator out I've done the math.  That 60 minutes is .006% of my entire week. It is not a hardship. This teensy weensy inconvenience is not a political statement nor the draconian yoke of government overreach.

It is not Trump hatred.  Sheesh..... 

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