Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Uncharted Territory

Hard to believe we spent the final six years of Obama's time in office playing a game of chicken over shutting down the government and flirting with default.  All over purported concerns about our nation's fiscal future.  None of it meant anything.  The Trump budget is now expected to push annual deficits over $1 trillion within two years.

Republican control of government has now produced a ten-year outlook likely to push publicly held national debt close to $30 trillion by 2028. Debt as a percentage of the economy would be the highest since 1946 and perhaps the highest ever recorded - depending on how much of the tax bill is extended.

With total debt climbing to 100 percent of GDP one can only imagine the consequences.  Higher interest rates?  Competition crowding-out private investment?  Economic stagnation?

Uncharted territory.


  1. The GOP hasn't been the party of fiscal pragmatism for some time now. The brazenness in which they operate has reached a level unseen. Complete disregard of science, the public will, and economic reality. We are at the beginning of our own "Lost Decade". But since I am a sole prop, I get a nice 20% tax cut next year, that I don't need, didn't ask for, and will generate little economic activity. Going in the bank account. Bob Corker said it best: "I hope that is not the case, I hope there’s other data to assist, whether it’s jobs or growth or whatever." Let's all raise our glasses to being saved by whatever.

  2. Bob Corker has a case of buyer's remorse.......


  3. Of course it was. It was rushed legislation to say nothing of the fact that it was a hair-brained idea from the get-go. Allowing pass-through businesses to shield 20% of their earnings from taxation is absolute lunacy. Pair this with a gigantic increase military spending and there is nothing to do but scratch your head.
