Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mr. Fixit

The thing about affixing mechanical broadheads on your hunting arrows is that your projectiles are not only more aerodynamic and fly truer but they become manifestly deadlier.  Upon impact large razor-sharp blades deploy leaving a three-inch wide wound channel.  A well-placed shot will result in massive blood loss and a quick kill.

A number of years ago I dropped a black bear using a Rage broadhead and it fell dead having traveled less than thirty paces from the point of impact.  Same for whitetail deer.  I've been a devotee of Rage mechanical broadheads ever since.

The downside to these arrowheads is that they're expensive.  The hunter is trading a quick and efficient death (and less tracking) for a few more greenbacks.  Magnifying the larger cost issue is these devices a prone to a single use.  The retention collars that hold the blades in their place until impact are always single use and have to be replaced.  They're not so expensive.  Nevertheless, the moving parts (the blades) bend and break so a weekend of hunting can also mean returning to the tackle box and replacing busted parts.

Of course, the tackle box also holds replacement blades for my three-blade fixed broadheads.  As I think about it they were prone to maintenance issues regularly as well.

Either way you slice it (pun intended) it beat knapping an arrowhead from a chunk of flint or obsidian.

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