Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Fraud

The fundamental issue posed by the false equivalent that Donald Trump continues to relish  is that he is a bona fide candidate for POTUS.  He has yet to be exposed as the greatest fraud in US presidential history - a bigmouth and a dangerous fake.

Donald Trump is an affront to our representative democracy and while I'm certainly no fan of Secretary Clinton I'd be delighted if in the remaining debates she reveals him as the fraud that he is by working-in a handful of questions so basic that a middle school civics student could answer but that he could not.

If I had to hazard a guess he could not describe the steps involved in how a bill becomes a law, or explain what a presidential pocket veto is, or name the permanent members of the UN Security Council.  Could he name the countries that border Israel?  He has thundered repeatedly about what a disaster our military is but could he name the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?  Does he know how many amendments there are to the Constitution and explain the connection of the 22nd  Amendment to the presidency?  Donald Trump doesn't know the Federalist Papers from the Articles of Confederation.

Smashing to smithereens the alternate reality myth of nurturing and defending this man is truthfully a matter of the future of the second oldest existing political party in the United States.

His charade should be exposed for what it is.  


  1. Will you be abstaining this November from pulling the lever?

    I'm curious to see if the GOP launches a fevered attempt at replacing him on the ballot. It appears that their options are limited at this point due to the individual states' ballot deadlines, but who knows.

  2. I'll pull the lever - but not for Trump. Pence? I doubt it. I could just leave it blank.

    I am stunned that this great nation has at the top of the major party tickets the two individuals there are. It stinks.

  3. BTW - good to hear from you.

    Thanks for following.

  4. I read this earlier today. Glad I could find it...

    1. Not surprising in the least. Another article that explains how messy it can really get.

      I just keep thinking how benign the "47%" gaffe by Romney seems at this point.
